If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to learn how to lose weight without trying so damn hard. You are literally always on a diet whether or not you choose to be mindful of what you eat. You are always doing some sort of workout routine whether or not you run a marathon or you sit on the couch. You are always moving the needle on way or another. Realizing this, accepting this, and learning to love this is so key when you decide you want to get healthy.

Losing Weight and Getting Healthy Are Not Mutually Exclusive

Before I dive into all the tips, I would like to say that losing weight and getting healthy are not mutually exclusive. Wanting to lose weight is not a bad thing, not at all. Even wanting to do it for vanity isn’t bad. I mean c’mon – that’s just what we do. IT’S FINE. Can we please remove the “self-love” bullshit guilt from weight loss? No wonder it’s so hard.

I digress.

What I’m trying to say is that if you want to lose weight, you have to do it from a place of love. It can’t be that you’re willing to restrict yourself or workout until you have a migraine. If you want this to stick and you know, be enjoyable, you have to decide that losing weight is fun. Losing weight is sexy, even from where you’re starting. Losing weight allows you to indulge in all of your favorite foods.

Start by believing that. Turn your mantra into “I make losing weight a fun, sexy, and indulgent experience” and it will be.

Learning to Enjoy Foods that Are Healthy

This was the hardest for me. For the longest time, my mantra was “eating healthy means not enjoying my food”. What a dumb way to live my life. Once I decided that I could create healthy, easy-to-make meals that make my taste-buds orgasm is when the weight melted off.

Switch your mantra, start there. Then, get on fucking Pinterest. Type in “Easy Healthy _______” IT’S THAT EASY! I have my go-to meals that I make. Pizza casserole, white chicken chili, and cauliflower fried rice are some fan favorites over here. Also working on adding some more healthy and delicious recipes for you, so stay tuned.

Also, when you add a shit ton of veggies, you get to eat a shit ton of food. I don’t hate carbs, but I limit them and replace them with veggies. Homegirl likes to eat, so there really is no other way. I NEED to have big portions or I’ll feel like I’m starving to death. You can eat an insane amount of vegetables without it really adding many calories to your meal, which is just insanity. So stop starving yourself, you don’t have to.

How I Work Out More

Honestly, I struggle more with working out than eating healthy. Ever since being diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I had to give up gluten unless I wanted to throw up and shit all the time. After I gave that up, I basically realized I am capable of anything.

So, working out for the lazy. First of all, you have to create “triggers”. Just like there are triggers for laziness, there are triggers that make you work out too.

Learning to mindfuck yourself is probably the most beneficial thing you can ever do. Create routines for your workouts so that by the time you do steps 1-3 of it, you’ll be ready to workout.

Step One

Turn on music that gets you pumped up. Music that you have to sing to or dance along to. I swear every time I do this I end up WANTING to work out. Then, dance along throughout your workout. (I workout at home for this reason, I don’t get gym people)

Shameless plug, if you download the Gixo app, you can try a week of free workouts with the code “brandy” so give that a try.

Step Two

Anyway, once the music is pumping and my vibe is elevated I drink pre-workout. I have drinkvibes for everything. Coffee is for reading or writing. Mint + Lemon water is for gently waking my body up in the morning and feeling like a fucking queen. Pre-workout is to make me workout. The fact that it gives me energy is simply a benefit.

I’ve really been enjoying Pulse pre-workout because it pumps me up, but doesn’t make me feel jittery and uncomfortable. Also, it tastes like a blue raspberry popsicle. Like, the ones that are in the tube that you would eat sloooowwwwly so it would melt and you could drink the popsicle juice. This stuff tastes like that.

Step Three

Actually put on the workout clothes. Okay it’s weird that this is the last step, I know. I know most people prefer to start here, but that just doesn’t work for me. Once the clothes are on, it’s real. It’s actually time to work out. Like fuck. If I haven’t properly amped up before getting these clothes on, I’m probably going to tap out.


Make sure to dance it out while the pre-workout sinks in. Get hyped, feel good! Remind yourself that it’s a luxury to not want to workout, because some people have no choice but to not move their bodies. So have a little gratitude that you’re able to freely move your body. Have fun, dance around, and maybe go for a walk to get your heartrate up. I’m especially lazy so I really gotta ease my way into it.

This article is fucking long and I truly commend you for reading this far so if you did then go you, you must be serious about changing your life. Hopefully, this was helpful! Let me know what you thought or if you have questions in the comments!

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