I’ve been really into writing lately, and these two writing rituals have really helped me start the day off on a productive note. There is just something about putting pen to paper, and organizing your thoughts on the page. Before I tell you about my writing rituals I gotta tell you aboutthese pens, trust me. If you’re into journaling, writing to-do lists, or are just a pen and paper type of person then you know the importance of a good pen.

For me, I like having multiple colors, IDK I’m a child. I have such a creative brain, and if I can’t write in fun colors and maybe even break out and start doodling or drawing around the page, I’m just not enjoying things. So yeah, gotta have a colored pen that you can still see on the page. Gotta have a bold color.

Aside from the fact that you get multiple colors, these pens write so smoothly on the paper. No clumps of ink, none of that dry, scratchy feeling as you write, and no bleeding through. But, it gets better.

Most Importantly!

Most importantly, wait for it, these pens ERASE. Yes, they have an eraser that never, ever wears down. If I write a letter even a little off, it really irks me. I like being able to just erase it and move the fuck on rather than harping over it, you know? Maybe I’m dramatic. Probably. But I also know I’m not alone. Plus, I mean if you make a mistake in pen it’s usually there for the rest of eternity. These don’t just do that half-ass “erase” shit either. It completely erases it and leaves no dust or torn up, ugly paper behind. (It’s the heat that makes the ink disappear, not actually erasing it off the page.)

So, yeah. Rant over. Get these pens.

Artists Way – Morning Pages + Prompts

So, I’ve been reading a new book that is supposed to really help you tap into your creativity. I’ve actually been on a creative high while I launch my 4 Week Influencer Academy. Like anything else, I know that this will end. I’ve seen the patterns. Long creative highs are usually ended with me feeling depleted for a week after, and building momentum again. So, rather than being reactive, I’m going to do everything I can to keep the momentum going.

Enter, the Artists Way. I am only on week 1 (for like the 3rd time, to be honest). So, I won’t give a full review of the book just yet.

Morning Pages

What I will say, is that the Morning Pages mentioned in the book are incredibly powerful for tapping into your creative power. I also really enjoy the journal prompts mentioned in week one, but let’s focus on the Morning Pages.

Basically, what you do is write 3 pages of freehand. No judging. No trying. Just whatever comes to your mind. Don’t want to do it? Write 3 pages of “I don’t want to do this right now.” Feeling crabby? You can start off by saying, “Wow, I feel crabby today. Don’t want to do this but whatever.” Like, whatever comes to mind, you write it for 3 pages, without judgement.

What I have noticed when doing this, is that I can write when I’m not feeling like it. That how you’re feeling has nothing to do with your abilities. Even if you “feel” incapable of writing, you are more capable than you know.

I also use this as an opportunity to write out some things I am grateful for, affirmations for the day, planning how I want the day to go, anything I’m struggling with, etc. Sometimes, I want to go past 3 pages. But, as with anything, sometimes I don’t even want to write one page. It’s all part of the process.

I highly recommend the book (you can even get a workbook if you’re feeling real frisky), but if you don’t want the book I cannot recommend at least doing the Morning Pages enough. It’s been incredibly helpful.

Planning the Day

So, once I’ve gotten all of the BS out of my brain, I’m usually feeling a little better and ready to take on the day. Honestly, I am one of those people who have a big to-do list, and it never ever gets smaller.

Like, I literally have a printed sheet of all the things I need to do regularly, and it’s a full page long in 12 font. Like, it’s a lot. Between blogging, coaching, creating graphics, running my Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and We Heart it – it becomes a lot.

It’s really easy for me to look at that plus all of the things that need to be done throughout the week and feel like it all needs to be done like yesterday.

This is why I have my huge printed out to-do list of my daily, weekly, and monthly tasks broken up. This way, it’s always out on paper, and I don’t have to write the same BS every single day. Those are the non-negotiable things that need to be done. I used Canva to create it. Will prob get it laminated so I can check it off every day.

Set Priorities

So with that being said, I’ll write out a list of 5-6 things that need to be done. The top 2-3 are things that have got to be done, and have a star put next to those. The rest would be nice if I got to, but it is not mandatory. If I don’t get any of those things done, then they go onto the next day’s list. S

Set Intentions

I also like to write 3-4 intentions for the day. This can be anything, not necessarily business related. So, maybe one intention is to fuel my body with foods that make me feel good. One may be to spend some time in the sunlight and to take time to breathe fresh air. Almost every day, I set the intention to remain mindful throughout the day.

There is something about setting intentions throughout the day that really brings a sense of peace. It’s easy to forget them unless you purposely make a point to think about them each day.

I hope these little rituals help. Let me know what you think!