If you are a content creator, whether that means you are a blogger or just use social media, we all know how the roller coaster goes. One week, we’re bouncing off the walls with ideas and then the next, we’re stuck. I’ve been doing this long enough to have somewhat of a system for when I am lacking creativity.

What “Rules” Are You Following?

There are so many unwritten rules we all start believing without realizing it. Here are a few examples:

“I need to be putting out content multiple times per day”
“I need something important to say”
“I need to stay professional”
“My pictures need to be perfectly curated”
“I should have posted at 12:00 and now it’s too late”

I have a knack for seeing trends before they happen, and I’m telling you – the non-curated look is going to be in before you know it. In fact, I think it’s already here. I’m going to write a post about this specific topic soon, but for now let’s just stay on topic.

All you need to know is that there are literally no rules. Take in a deep breath, accept that whatever you have to say is good enough, and exhale all the bullshit you used to believe.

If you are frustrated with social media, so are others. Make your own rules, and you are going to be the one who’s ahead.

When I let go of all the “rules” I think I need to follow, it makes creating content a breeze.

Take a Day Off

Sometimes, you just need to put your phone and laptop down and watch how your world doesn’t fall apart when you’re away – even if you’re gone an entire week.

Trust me, nobody notices how often you post. And if they do, they are true fans and won’t stop following you because you missed a few days or even more.

During your time off, spend it doing something you love. Completely unplug. Personally, I go to the beach. This year I am going to make it a priority to unplug at the beach once a week. Let’s be proactive, not reactive.

More on unplugging: Why Unplugging is Essential


I’ve gotten out of this habit, but I’m going to get back in because I can always feel a difference when I do this. Basically, I do what’s called “The Morning Pages” from the book “The Artists Way” and basically, right when you wake up you write 3 pages of free-flow content. It can be gratitude, to-do’s, worries – whatever. There are no rules.

For me, this helps get my creative juices flowing and also shows me that the best ideas come when I don’t force it. There is nothing better than being inspired by your own writing.

Really, doing any of the exercises in “The Artists Way” are super helpful.


Go for a walk, dance around in your living room, shit – sometimes I just clean my entire apartment for a day. Exercise is magical for creating inspiration. Find an exercise that you enjoy! Personally, I have been using the Gixo app. (If you use the code “Brandy” you get a week of exercise for free!) Get it here.

So Yeah – What I Do When I’m Lacking Creativity In a Nutshell

Break the rules. Take a break. Write it out. Work it out. Hope this was helpful! What do you do when you are lacking creativity?