I remember even back in high school when I desperately wanted to start a blog. I never wanted to do it for money, I just have always had a true passion for writing (though, at the time I didn’t even know how a blogger could make money). Boy, do I wish I would have started earlier because bloggers who have been hustling since then are raking in the income.

But, how do bloggers make money?

Back when blogging was new and taboo, the main source of income was ad space. Even though you can still generate some income from ads, it most definitely is not the only or even most lucrative way to make money as a blogger.

If you’re looking to start a money-making blog, but have no idea where the income is going to come from, then this article is for you.

You may also like: How to Start a Money Making Blog

Affiliate Marketing (How Most Bloggers Make Money)

Surely you’ve heard of affiliate marketing before. In fact, maybe you have tried it and didn’t find it to be a good source of income. Like anything else, being a good affiliate marketer takes strategy and a system. Many bloggers make the mistake of just throwing up affiliate links without any rhyme or reason.

When I first started blogging, I did this too. I linked anything and everything hoping to get a few sales. I made a couple hundred dollars this way, but nothing substantial. It wasn’t until I took an affiliate marketing course that my income notably increased. I made more than double my money back after taking this course from an expert at affiliate marketing.

You may also like: Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing | How to build a six figure blog without millions of visitors or selling your soul

Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are huge right now on Instagram, but bloggers know this is nothing new. While I love doing a good sponsored post on Instagram, there’s more money potential when you can write about it in a blog.

Social media posts only last for a few days, blog posts can stay alive for months or even years! It’s no wonder brands love to work with reputable bloggers.

If you have a blog, reach out to brands that you use and love in your every day life and see if you can work out a deal! Many brands love giving products and compensation for hard work.

Tip: Work on upping your conversion rate using affiliate marketing. Conversion rate is more valuable than your viewers, followers, or engagement rate.

Reviews on Amazon

Sometimes I get paid to share my reviews publicly, and other times I get paid just to leave an Amazon review.

Typically, Amazon reviews only get you free product or a small chunk of cash, but it’s an easy way to try some amazing new products and gain an extra couple hundred each month!

Finding brands willing to pay or send product for Amazon reviews can be tricky, but I have found luck in Facebook groups. My private Facebook group connects brands to influencers, and there are lots of opportunities in there! I also provide tips and trainings on growing a blog and social media.

Selling Stock Photos

Another way bloggers make money is either selling stock photos or selling photos to brands. Typically, bloggers are decent photographers anyway so this is a great way to make some extra money.

You can either sell to stock photo sites like Shutterstock, or reach out to brands and offer your photography services.

With social media being such an important aspect of growing a business, brands are always looking for new people to create images using their products.

Selling Your Own E-Products

If you’ve already started a blog, you probably already have some sort of niche or expertise. Why not use that expertise to create a product?

This can be an ebook, course, meditation, or training video. You don’t have to be a coach to do this either. With Teachable, you can create and sell courses for free and it’s incredibly easy to set up.

I also use Teachable to create free trainings or mini-courses to grow my email list for free. Plus, video content that can’t be found anywhere else (if you make it, that makes it unique!) is much more valuable than a printable or something else easily Google-able.

In Conclusion

If you want to start a blog, there are so many opportunities for bloggers to make money. The list above contains just a few of my favorite ways to make money as a blogger.

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5 ways bloggers make money online

1 Comment

  1. avatar
    I absolutely love this blog post! Thank you for sharing refreshing new ideas. I’ll be adding 3+ funnels of income from this. Yay :)

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