Let’s talk about how I create content – one of my favorite things in the world to talk about. It’s amazing how much strategy there is for everything but content creation – when content creation is one of the most important things. If your content sucks, nothing else really matters.
This isn’t about being perfect every time you go to create content. Perfection is boring. I mean, how many more perfect life pictures do we honestly need to see.
It’s about talking to YOUR people. Making YOUR people want to be your best friend. Like, the wise best friend who everyone always goes to for advice. Ya know? So – as your friend, let’s get into exactly how I create content.
Start With the End
One of the biggest mistakes new bloggers (or entrepreneurs) make when creating content is not having a sense of direction. While it’s great to post about your life and other random things you want to talk about here and there, you should have some sort of end goal in mind.
If you create your own products, write blog posts that point sales to the product. This also goes with affiliate products. If you have an email list you’re trying to build, create content that directs people to your list. And so on.
Basically, know what your end goal is of each piece of content before you create it. This will allow you to get the most out of your time. The last thing you want is to get eyes on your blog, and then lose out on a subscriber or customer because you didn’t add a call to action.
Know Your Audience Before You Create Content
I hear people say “niche niche niche niche” which, okay, yes can work. But you can sell a variety of products/services that are in separate niches. I create ebooks, I design logos, and I have services around health and business. I don’t have a specific niche. But, I do have an audience.
My audience wants it all. My girl is a go-getter. She wants to be healthy, happy, energized, and have an incredible business.
Now, not all of my audience is going to want every single one of my products. Which is totally fine with me. My niche isn’t specific, but each time I am focusing on a specific product or service, I know the audience.
Understanding Your Audience
- What beliefs do you share around the product or service you’re offering?
- What specific problem does your product or service solve? (Don’t try to solve too many problems at once. Just focus on one at a time)
- What challenges will they face if they do not invest in your product or service?
All of your content should revolve around the 3 points above when selling a product or service. If you don’t sell a product or service, replace it with the subject. “What beliefs do you share around {insert subject}?” for example.
Break it Up
If you have a blog or a YouTube channel, start by creating posts related to what’s been mentioned above.
Once your blog post is finished, break it down into pieces for social media. Create some graphics using Canva and promote it there.
With each broken down post, break it down further or rewrite it as many times as you can so you can save time and schedule for later.
Remember – your pieces of content are just that. A PIECE of the pie. Not the whole pie. I don’t know who is reading this can eat an entire pie at once, but I know most of your audience can’t. Give them a slice today. Then another slice tomorrow. Ya feel me?
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