I’m sure you’ve heard that shroom coffee is all the rave right now. When I first heard about this, I was definitely intrigued.

Mushrooms? In my coffee? What??? Why???

I’m one of those people that have to research everything before I try it.

Honestly, there are so many gimmicky things out there that it’s hard to know what is real and what is just a sales tactic. I mean, most of what you see and hear is tied back to some sort of marketing plan. Crazy to think about, right?

So, What’s the Deal?

If you try to find mushroom coffee, you’re probably going to stumble upon Four Sigmatic because they’re the mushroom coffee pioneers. Four Sigmatic was founded by Tero Isokauppila. He grew up on a farm that has been in his family since 1619 and had a hobby of foraging for mushrooms.

Basically, mushrooms are his thing. He wants to spread the word about all the benefits of the superfood. He’s legit. I can get behind a company with a strong mission.

Four Sigmatic has basically everything. You can find coffee, matcha, elixirs & even relaxing hot cocoa.

Why Opting for Shrooms is Better

So, let’s talk about the negative effects of coffee & the benefits of throwing some mushrooms in.


First of all, coffee is horrible for my acid reflux. Coffee is highly acidic, so if you have a hard time drinking coffee early in the morning, this may apply to you.

Mushroom coffee contains Chaga mushrooms. These magical mushrooms have minerals such as zinc that can help lessen inflammation.


If you struggle with anxiety, coffee can sometimes make things worse. This varies from person to person of course, but I’m definitely someone who feels increased anxiety with coffee.

Mushrooms have been shown to relieve anxiety Pretty cool! In my experience, I felt so much less anxiety while drinking mushroom coffee.


Do you struggle with sleep? I know I used to. It doesn’t matter if I drink coffee first thing in the morning, I always sleep worse afterward.

Mushroom coffee has less caffeine than a regular cup of coffee, so most people can get a boost of energy without sacrificing sleep the next night.

My Opinion

I felt the benefits of switching coffee almost immediately. Usually, I have a little bit of a tummy ache from the acidity in coffee. With the Dark Roast Lion’s Mane & Chaga Mushroom coffee, I didn’t experience that.

While I don’t think coffee increases my anxiety as badly as others, there are some days I can definitely feel the difference. If I have more than like 2 cups of normal coffee, I will usually have the jitters. If I’m jittery & something happens to make me anxious, it’s twice as bad.

This gave me the same energy boost with no jitters, no sleepless nights, and less anxiety in general.

I think this product is truly amazing. If you haven’t already tried it, you definitely should order a few sample packets! You can use the code buildstrongvibes at checkout to get a special discount too.


Have you switched to mushroom coffee? What do you think?