Microneedling has been something I’ve wanted to try for a long time now. There are so many amazing benefits for your skin no matter what skin type or skin problems you have.
In my case, I have acne scarring. Not only that, but acne itself is still an issue. I have struggled with acne for at least 10 years now, and as an adult, it’s getting pretty old.
What I loved was that the esthetician I worked with not only wanted to erase the acne scarring but gave me tips and products to help with the production of acne itself!
Before My Appointment
At first, when I scheduled my microneedling appointment, I was excited! It was something I had been wanting to do for awhile now, so I was so ready to have the procedure.
I don’t know about you, but the thought of having a bunch of needles in my face started to freak me out a bit. I have tattoos, so I kind of assumed that is what it would be like.
Not only that, but this was my first time visiting this salon, and it worried me that I wasn’t familiar with the staff there. I’ve had bad experiences in the past, and the last thing you want is someone who’s inexperienced working on your skin.
When I Arrived
The second I walked in the door and met everyone, I immediately felt relieved. You know how when you meet certain people they make you feel comfortable? Like, they are just good vibes all around? Haha, I don’t know how else to explain it.
Once they welcomed me, they went over what the procedure would be like. My esthetician said right away that I was going to love it! I immediately got the feeling that she truly loved what she did, which made me feel really confident in her right away.
What the Process Was Like
Okay, so when I originally made the appointment, I just assumed I would walk in, get my face microneedled, and be done.
The appointment was about an hour and a half, which for the price they offer is incredible. I’ve had hour facials done at a similar price, and as you probably know, there’s not really a noticeable difference.
First, she gave my skin a deep exfoliation. Honestly, she used so many amazing products on my face, I kind of lost track. Basically, the entire first half felt like a luxurious facial.
Then, she applied some numbing cream and placed a little plastic sheet over my face. This sounds kind of crazy, but obviously, there was a hole for my nose so I could breathe. She made sure I was comfortable the entire time. While the cream sat, I got to relax for about 15 minutes with relaxing music playing.
The Big Question – Did it Hurt?
Something I really appreciated was that she actually showed me the needle they use. Not just to show the depth that would be applied in my skin, but she opened the package in front of me. Not everyone does this, but I think it’s so important. Unfortunately, you can’t trust everyone to use a brand new set of needles.
If you get this done, make sure that you are working with someone you fully trust. If you are in the Winter Park, Florida area, I wouldn’t see anyone else besides the Euro Style Beaty Salon. Make sure to tell them I sent you!
Anyway, I assumed I would feel a little something. I mean it’s needles – in your skin!
At first, all it felt like was like a little vibration. If anything, it felt kind of good. I mean, I figured it wouldn’t be excruciating with the numbing cream, but I would have never guessed it would have actually felt good!
As it went on, I could feel it a little more. Still, nothing crazy. I’ve heard from other people that it hurts really bad, but in my experience, it wasn’t like that.
After the Process
Once the process was over, my face felt a little hot. Similar to a mild sunburn. Not pain exactly, mostly just heat. She said that it was normal and may last for a couple hours to a couple days. For me, my face was fine by the time I got home. It was red, but I felt fine.
There was an immediate difference in the acne scarring as well as the appearance of acne. I was honestly amazed, as I didn’t expect to see results so soon.
Today is day 3, and it is starting to get a little flaky. This again is normal. They explained that my skin is exfoliating away the dead skin so that my new beautiful skin can grow!
In about a week, my skin should start looking fresh and amazing, and I will write a follow-up post at that time.
Photo was taken a couple hours after microneedling session
In Conclusion
While I can’t speak for every salon, where I went I didn’t experience any pain. I know that this is a big concern for a lot of people considering getting this done.
Make sure that you find someone you trust to work on your skin. If they don’t show you the disposable needles being opened and thrown away, leave!
If you are in the Winter Park area in Florida, you have to go where I went! Ekaterina, my esthetician, is incredible. She had training in Europe as well as the U.S. and has a ton of experience. This girl knows what she’s talking about! I wouldn’t trust anyone else with my skin.
When you go, make sure to let them know I sent you! Schedule an appointment here.
My boyfriend is obsessed with their coffee. So if you’re a coffee lover, apparently they have the best coffee in town.
If you have any questions about the process, comment below! Have you had microneedling done before? What was your experience like?