I’ve been pretty open about my struggle with anxiety. Specifically, I get nighttime anxiety. It used to happen every night, but now thankfully, it happens less and less.
I’m sure some of you share a similar ritual as I once did. You can feel bed time comes closer and closer. Your heart starts to race, anxiety kicks in, so you pour a glass of wine. Your nightly wine ritual becomes 2 glasses of wine, then 3, and before you know it, you’re drinking an entire bottle before bed.
I’ve been needing something to combat my anxiety before bed that wouldn’t you know, end up contributing to it. (Alcohol makes my heart RACE like a motherfucker)
Enter: CBD.
Invest in a High-Quality CBD Oil
What is CBD?
For those of you who don’t know, CBD is derived from the
Where Can You Purchase CBD?
I’ve been using Sacred Life Oils because they don’t mess around when it comes to quality. Before them, I tried another brand and it did NOTHING for me. Assuming it had some funky fillers or something, don’t know.
What I do know is that Sacred Life Oils works. I’ve been using it religiously for months. I like to really test something before I recommend it, ya know?
How Much Does CBD Cost?
A good-quality brand will be around $50-$70, but will last you a month. (Much cheaper than a month of wine, if you drank it down like I did ;))
I’ve partnered with Sacred Life Oils and they are willing to give you a huge discount. For your first bottle, you can try for under $30 with the code “BrandyCBD” which is amazing! They have a 30 day money back guarantee too, so obviously they’re pretty confident. I doubt you get your money back, and in fact, you’ll probably end up stocking up.
Watch my video below to learn how I use CBD to combat nighttime anxiety.
Write It Out
Before bed, it helps to do sort of a “brain dump” to just get everything out of your brain and onto paper. I always right, “Now that I’ve addressed these issues, I’m not allowed to stress about them until the morning.” It sounds too simple, but it has worked wonders for my nighttime anxiety!
I also like to create my to-do list before bed. That way I’m not laying there racking my brain thinking of everything that needs to get done the next day. Highly recommend.
Create a Personalized NightTime Anxiety Ritual
When it comes to nighttime anxiety, some rituals will work better for some people than others. You’ll have to experiment around and find what works for you!
There are so many things you can do. Shower, take a bath, put on a face mask, do yoga, light stretching, work out, walk, breathe, go outside, meditate – you get the drill.
Before bed, I’ll place a drop of CBD under my tongue to begin healing my mind from the inside out. I’ll turn on my essential oil diffuser and place either frankincense or lavender usually and take deep breaths. While that’s going, I’ll make some sleepy tea to add to my relaxation. As I sip on my tea, I will do a brain dump, write my to-do’s for tomorrow, and then stretch.
I have found that this ritual really grounds me and really helps to lessen my nighttime anxiety.
Join the Community
I don’t want to make things all about me, I want to hear from YOU! In the comments, tell me what you do to reduce night time anxiety and be a resource to others! Can’t wait to hear what you have to say!
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