So, I’m sick. I actually feel sick once a month from having Gerd, colitis, and Celiac Disease. I don’t absorb nutrients as well because of the damage done to my body from Celiacs, so even though I eat healthy and gluten-free now, the damage is done. I feel like Gerd and colitis speak for themselves. I’ve pretty much got it under control now, but it seems like new foods seem to trigger me all the time – frustrating. Gotta have the perfect balance of protein, carbs, fiber & citrus or I’m very sick to my stomach.
Oh, and I have sciatic nerve pain – which is such a gem to have.
But now, on top of basically everything flaring up at once, I have a cold. So literally, I haven’t done really much of anything besides lay in bed and watch TV.
As someone who is a “go go go” person with a lot on her mind, it has been rough. I’m finally feeling a little better, enough to where I can at least work on my laptop. (The sinus pressure and fatigue was making any type of work basically impossible.)
Okay, I’ll shut up now about my problems and get into the good stuff.
I Learned What My Priorities Were
During my sickness, I wasn’t able to do much of anything. Not doing anything really makes you miss the things you like to do. Since I do so much that I love, it’s hard to really know which parts are my favorite. I have no idea if that makes sense to normal, not scatter-brained people.
Something I really missed doing was writing. And for some reason, I have put writing on my blog low on my to-do list in general. Once I get back into my routine, I’ll definitely be updating the blog more often. With this being one of my favorite things to do, I need to make sure it’s a higher priority.
I Realized How Much Time I Actually Have
When you’re just laying in bed all day watching the clock tic by, it’s like, “Wow, WTF do I even do all day!?” I get quite a bit done during the day, but I also waste a lot of time procrastinating, scrolling on my phone, sitting around thinking, and other nonsense.
Once I’m fully feeling better and ready to go, I will definitely be utilizing my time more wisely. Partially because I’m going crazy just sitting here doing nothing, so I will have to overcompensate.
If I Take Time Off, It’s Fine
Taking time off gives me anxiety. All I can think of is my to-do list and it puts me in a panic.
But why? Nobody has forgotten my existence on social media. Everyone I’m working with has been super understanding with the delays.
Like, it’s fine. The world won’t stop turning just because you take a break. I used to panic way more about this, but I’m much better. Nevertheless, I still need this reminder from time to time.
I’m Grateful For My Body
Although I can get kind of annoyed with all my issues, I am happy that for the most part my body is pretty incredible. How lucky am I that most days, I can get up, hear, see, walk, run, create, breathe, feel, eat and every other simple thing we take for granted. It’s easy to forget that some people don’t have the luxury of having a fully functional body. Being sick really reminded me how lucky I am to really not be blind, deaf, paralyzed, etc.
I will definitely be working out and doing yoga way more after this experience!
In Conclusion
As much as I hate being sick, I learned a few lessons from it. That’s pretty much how I like to look at life in general. Each day, I just want to do my best to learn the lessons.
If you want to reap the benefits without actually being sick, take some time to rest, be creative, unplug from your phone, whatever. Do it until you feel like you’ll go crazy until you work again. It’s a game changer.