If you follow me, then you already know that I quit my job and dyed my hair purple. Something I have been talking about for years. It’s scary trusting in the universe. Being an entrepreneur is funny because you can make $2k in a day but that doesn’t guarantee anything for the next day, week, or month.

How I Knew it Was Time

The question I have been asked – How did I know? In April, I made the decision to quit my job by the end of the year. At this time, I was actually really happy with my job so I wasn’t in a huge rush to leave the place. So I got to work – I invested in courses, learned new skills and put my heart and soul into earning passive income.

Earlier this month there were a lot of changes. Like, crazy changes. Work became stressful. I started dreading going. Because of the stress, I was usually too exhausted to put much effort into the online gig. When I did put an effort in, it was half-assed. It’s hard to be full-assed when you’re depleted of energy.

The Book That Changed My Life

Okay, so I mean there’s actually a lot of books that changed my life if we’re being honest. The first one was The Compound Effect. Two years ago I set the intention to make money online. At the time, I thought it would be Beachbody.

The next book was You Are a Badass as well as You Are a Badass at Making Money. This one was a game changer for my money mindset. I realized that I had a really bad relationship with money, and because I knew that I could start to heal. Without those two books, I doubt the wheels would have gone into motion.

But then, earlier this month, I read 6 Months to 6 Figures and he said something that changed my entire mindset. As soon as he said it, I knew that it was time for me to quit my job.

Related: Get the full list of my book recs by clicking here.

“It’s not about time management. It’s about energy management. That is everything.” – Peter Voogd

BOOM. It was starting to make sense to me. The way I managed my energy was very poor. I would go to work, drain myself, and then spend my days off trying to get back into a good mindset.

He mentioned that you should start paying close attention to what gives you energy and what takes your energy.

Working from home gives me so much energy, and I knew that if I could hone into that full time, I could increase my income. I just felt it in my heart.

Now, I’ve Tripled My Income

As I suspected, once I put my full energy into activities that give me energy, more got accomplished.

If you don’t know what I do already, I do a couple things. Part of my income comes from promoting products as an influencer on Instagram. Another part comes from affiliate marketing on Instagram, my blog and on Pinterest. Then the last piece is teaching women how to do this themselves.

Related: How I Make Money Pinning on Pinterest
And: How to Start Your First Blog for the Price of a Latte

I was never designed to be an MLMer. I’m not hating, not at all. I think they’re absolutely genius. If you believe in your company 100% and are coachable, it’s very possible to make a crazy amount of money.

However, I still felt like I had a boss. You know? I was still restricted to products, there were certain numbers I had to hit in order to “rank” in the company, and the energy I put in didn’t match the income I wanted to make. While a lot of women are happy in their MLMs, I know a lot aren’t. So many people don’t realize that this is an option that requires the same amount of work (if not less, since you don’t have to message anyone with intentions of them buying the product) and you can make just as much (if not more) money that is passive – meaning you make money while you sleep.

Whatever it is you want – it just takes a little time and consistency, but you can do it. You can do it all. You can have anything and everything you want out of life.

If you want to learn more about what I teach, click here. As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions!


  1. avatar
    I think you’ve just totally inspired me! I quit my job at the end of 2016 because of stress and set out to be a freelance writer but out of 50 jobs I got one bad review that wrecked me. I didn’t write anymore freelance articles again until February 2018! I really want to ramp it up but right now I’m not managing my energy! Thank you so much for this post!
    1. avatar
      buildstrongvibes says:
      You definitely should! Not everyone will like you or your work (and that's a good thing!) so don't let that stop you. It sounds like you had a pretty good success rate anyway. :) Focus on what gives you energy & what takes it away - you'll be amazed! Happy you liked the article, thanks girl!

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